Gunfight at Givhans Ferry
Regional Championship
Match Information
Match Rules
All SASS Rules Apply. In addition, Long Gun “Port of Arms” is the butt at the waist and the muzzle not above the shoulder. Shotguns are allowed to be loaded on the move as long as the actions remain open and no SASS rules are violated.
Match Scoring
Rank Points using the SASS Scoring System.
Official Categories: The below categories are official for the SE
Regional due to having 4 (or more) shooters in the category.
Southeast Regional “Unofficial Category”
Firearms: Anyone shooting an
unofficial category must follow the same firearm requirements of official
categories most closely related. For example, if shooting Frontier Cartridge
Senior Gunfighter, shooter must follow the firearm requirements of Frontier
Cartridge as well as Gunfighter.
Clothing: Anyone shooting an
unofficial category must follow the same costuming rules of official categories
most closely related. For example, if shooting Silver Senior Classic Cowboy,
shooter must follow the requirements of Classic Cowboy.
Southeast Regional Outlaw Rules:
This category is restricted to only those with prior experience at shooting
Outlaw. The stage scenario must be followed accurately to avoid a Procedural.
Gun safety must be maintained.
Any Main
Match fixed sight model revolver. Revolvers must be shot Duelist Style,
Gunfighter Style, or Double Duelist style. See SASS handbook Duelist/Gunfighter
description for required shooting technique. Revolvers will be shot below chest
level with elbows bent, without aiming or sighting down the barrel.
Rifles: Any SASS Legal rifle. Rifle
must be shouldered and shot off the shoulder.
Revolver and
rifle calibers: SASS legal .32 caliber or larger. May use any
SASS legal ammunition as long as it adheres to the above caliber restrictions.
Shotguns: Any SASS legal shotgun.
Shotgun will be shot "from the hip," which means off the shoulder
without aiming or sighting down the barrel.
Unofficial Categories: The below categories are
still considered unofficial for the SE Regional due to not meeting the minimum
shooter count.
We will
recognize for awards, all official SASS categories which at least one shooter
registered by Oct 8th. We will recognize unofficial categories with at least
four shooters registered by Oct 8th. Shooters may shoot in under-represented
categories, but the only awards will be paper certificates suitable for
Main Match
10 stages of big, in your face targets with lots of movement. 5 Stages shot on Friday & 5 stages shot on Saturday starting in the morning. The match will use a split posse system, so we can accommodate up to 300 shooters.
Ammo Requirements:
Main Match Minimum: Pistol---100,
Rifle---100, Shotgun---50
Side Matches: Shoot as much as you want.
Brass Pickup
Brass may be picked up, but brass pick up may not impede the progress of the Posse.
4 Stage Black Powder Match
For the Black Powder, as these
have a very limited number of shooters, only official or unofficial SASS
categories with at least three shooters (men) or two shooters (women) signed up
by Oct 8th will be recognized. You may shoot other categories, but only paper
will be awarded.
Be at the big tent at 9:30AM Thursday ready to shoot 4 stages. Minimum Ammo
Requirements: Pistols---40, Rifle---40, Shotgun---20.
4 Stage Wild Bunch Match - Thursday Afternoon
& Modern (and ladies equivalent). All SASS Wild Bunch rules apply.
Be at the big tent by 12:30 PM.
Ammo requirements: Pistol: 75, Rifle 40, and Shotgun 21
Warm Up Match
We will offer a 3 stage warm up match which can be shot in either the morning or afternoon on Thursday. Awards will be made to the top finisher in category.
Side Matches
Speed Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun (’97, ‘87’, SXS), Derringer, Pocket Pistol, Long Range Rifle (rifle & pistol caliber) 100 & 200 yards. See shooters book for each event location. Awards
(Thursday - Nov. 10): 2 PM - 4 PM
Pick up gun handling tips from some of the best shooters in the Southeast Region.
Cowgirls & Cowboys Transitions Clinic
Click Link for details
Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016 * 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
The Doily Gang will be hosting a Cowgirl & Cowboy Clinic for all
ages at berm 5. Not a basic gun handling clinic, but
a clinic to work on TRANSITIONS. This is limited to 20 students.
Pre-registration required.
Conventioneers who are SASS members may shoot the side matches and warm up
stages as well as participate in the team and couples match.
Golf Carts
Golf carts or motorized gun carts are allowed but the carts are to be kept on the roadside of the spectator fence, not impede the ingress/egress of the shooters entering/leaving the stage and not parked in or blocking the road. Failure to follow these simple courtesies, you will be asked to remove your cart from the range. Golf cart trailer parking is by the 50 yard rifle range targets. There are no facilities to charge cart batteries.
Handicap Parking
Handicap parking will be available for those with handicap plates or tags.
Evening Events
There will be the Saturday Night Gala at the Summerville Country Club starting at 6:30PM. We are going to have entertainment, awards for the Black Powder Match, Wild Bunch Match, Side Matches & Costume Contest.
Costume Contest
Lucy, Diablo Deb, Lorenzo Kid, and Bulls Head Bill will be in charge of our Southeastern Regional Championship Costume Contest. Look your best, she will be looking for award winners.
Our Southeastern Regional Championship Official Photographer is Classic Impression. They will be taking posse, match photos as well as being available in the big tent on Saturday Night.
SASS Scholarship
SASS has provided us with a pair of SASS Vaquero revolvers to be raffled. All proceeds will benefit the SASS Scholarship Fund.
Host Hotel
Summerville Holiday Inn Express
120 Holiday Drive, Summerville, SC 29483.
Phone: (843) 875-3300, Fax: (843) 744-6108.
SASS-SE Regional Meeting rate.($89 per night)
The Saturday night banquet is at:
Summerville Country Club
400 Country Club Blvd, Summerville, SC 29483.
It is off of 17A about half way between the hotel and the
range, about 10 minutes from either.
The menu will include the very popular Low Country Boil and chicken – with TWO
serving lines.
Other nearby hotels
110 Holiday Dr. |
220 Holiday Dr. |
Summerville, SC 29483 |
Summerville, SC 29483 |
(843) 875-3022 |
(843) 285-9000 |
Hampton Inn |
115 Holiday Dr. |
1015 Jockey Ct. |
Summerville, SC 29483 |
Summerville, SC 29483 |
(843) 851-9595 |
(843) 871-8300 |
1005 Jockey Ct. |
Summerville, SC 29483 |
(843) 851-2333 |
Range Address
951 Summer Drive, Ridgeville, SC
Camping at the Range
We are going to be providing an area for RV's as well as Tents. With three exceptions, all sites are dry. We have a building with men's and ladies restrooms with a shower. We will have dumpsters and portable toilets available. There will be a $25.00 fee per RV and $10 fee for a Tent. You will be issued a “Camping Shooters Pass” to be displayed on your dashboard.
RV Parks
Givhans Ferry State Park–
This is a part of the SC State
Park System that is closest to the range. They have 25 total sites. Thirteen
sites are packed gravel while 12 sites, ideal for tent campers, are packed
sand. Showers and restrooms on site. A Please contact
the campground ahead of time.
From I-95: Canadys exit. Turn left and drive 17 mi.
Cross the Edisto River and take the first left onto Givhans
Ferry Rd. (843) 873-0692.
Please call 866-345-7275 for Reservations.
Colleton State Park –
An alternate loction if Givhans Ferry State Park is full. They have 25 sites with
25 amp, water & grill. Showers and Dump Station on site.Approx. 9 miles form
the range with very little traffic. Please contact the campground ahead of
I-95 Exit 68 on Hwy #61. 843-538-8206.
Please call 866-345-7275 for Reservations.
Shamrock Sadie
803 - 318-9665
Shamrock Sadie
Territorial Governor
Doc Kemm